After a power cut

If you experience a local power cut, or you need to switch off the electricity in your house, then your broadband and wi-fi won’t work until power has been restored (unless you have an uninterrupted power supply).

One the power is restored, your Truespeed service should come back up automatically. If it doesn’t, you’ll need to restart your Truespeed kit to get your internet back on again:


How to restart your Truespeed kit

Restarting your equipment can solve a multitude of problems, and is often something we will ask you to do if you call us with a problem.

Here’s how to do it:

Turn off the FTU (Fibre Termination Unit) and your Truespeed router. If you can, turn them off at the socket to be absolutely sure there’s no power reaching them.

After they have both been off for at least 20 seconds, turn on the FTU first, and look for two green lights on the right-hand side.

Wait for a further two minutes, and then turn on your Truespeed router.

You should see some lights coming on straight away, but you’ll need to allow up to five minutes for the router to fully reconfigure itself and allow you to re-connect to all your devices.

If this doesn’t work, or if you have a different issue, call our Bath-based Truespeed Support Team on 01225 300 370 or email